لیست اچیومنت های Dishonored
لیست کامل Achievement های این بازی اکشن و مخفی کاری که توسط بتسدا در حال ساخت است،منتشر شد.
این بازی در تاریخ ۹ اکتبر برای پلتفرم های خانگی(PC .XBOX 360 .PS3) عرضه خواهد شد.
لیست کامل اچیومنت ها:
You pickpocketed items worth a total of 200 coins
You killed characters with each weapon and offensive gadget
You completed all missions after the prologue, alerting or killing no one but key targets
You completed all missions after the prologue without alerting anyone
Mostly Flesh and Steel
You finished the game without purchasing any supernatural powers or enhancements, besides Blink
Wall of Sparks
You killed an enemy with the Wall of Light
You assassinated 10 unaware enemies
After escaping prison, you completed a mission, not alerting anyone and killing less than 5 people
After escaping Coldridge Prison, you completed a mission without alerting anyone
You made others kill 5 of their own allies
Razor Rain
You killed 5 characters with Drop Assassination
You played from the first mission through Kaldwin’s Bridge killing fewer than 10 characters
Clean Hands
You completed the game without killing anyone
Harm’s Way
You caused 5 unintentional suicides
You stayed in possession of others for most of a 3 minute period
Hornets’ Nest
You killed 4 enemies in less than 1 second using the crossbow
Speed of Darkness
You traveled 30 meters in less than 1 second
You killed 6 enemies in less than 1 second
Merchant of Disorder
You acquired 15 equipment upgrades
Art Dealer
You collected all the Sokolov paintings
You collected 10 bone charms
The Escapist
After Coldridge Prison, you eluded 5 pursuers at once without killing them or leaving the map
You fought 5 enemies at once and none of them survived
You escaped Coldridge Prison
You eliminated High Overseer Campbell
Child Care
You located Lady Emily Kaldwin, heir to the throne
Capturing Genius and Madness
You abducted Anton Sokolov, Royal Physician
You assassinated the Lord Regent, Hiram Burrows
Political Suicide
You brought about the Lord Regent’s fall from grace by broadcasting his crimes
This Is Mine
You recovered your belongings
You completed the game
Dunwall in Chaos
You completed the game in high chaos
Just Dark Enough
You completed the game in low chaos
You escaped prison and navigated the sewers undetected
Gentleman Caller
You completed all the Granny Rags side missions
Street Conspiracy
You completed all the Slackjaw side missions
The Art of the Steal
You got the Art Dealer’s safe combination for Slackjaw, but robbed the safe first
An Unfortunate Accident
You killed Morgan Pendleton with steam
Well Mannered
You completed the Boyle Estate mission without spoiling the party
King of the World
You reached the top of Kaldwin’s Bridge
You protected Callista’s uncle, Captain Geoff Curnow
Mercy is the Mark
You spared Daud’s life
Lights Out
You deactivated at least 5 security systems on Kingsparrow Island
Long Live the Empress
You saved Empress Emily Kaldwin
Long Live the Empress
You saved Empress Emily Kaldwin
Food Chain
You assassinated an assassin
Alive Without Breath
You took possession of a fish
Creepy Crawly
You used a rat tunnel
Back Home
You grabbed a live grenade and threw it back, killing an attacker
Big Boy
You killed a tallboy using only your sword
پر بحثترینها
- رسمی: Forza Horizon 5 بهار امسال برای PS5 عرضه خواهد شد
- گزارش: بازی بعدی God of War با محوریت اساطیر مصر در دست ساخت قرار دارد [بهروزرسانی شد]
- کارگردان Ori: پلی استیشن بهزودی استراتژی چندپلتفرمی ایکس باکس را دنبال خواهد کرد
- شایعه: Halo: Infinite به پلی استیشن خواهد آمد
- منبع داخلی: Halo: The Master Chief Collection به PS5 میآید
- سیستم مورد نیاز Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 مشخص شد + تریلر نسخه PC
ممنون 😀 :yes:
Achievementچی چی هست؟؟؟؟ ?:-)
یه جور سیستم امتیاز دهیه که تو xbox 360 وجود داره.در صورت انجام دادن یه کار خاص یه مقدار امتیاز بهت داده میشه.
آهان ….خوبه ..ولی باز ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ?:-) ?:-)
مهیار می مردی همشو ترجمه کنی ..صبح همه گیر می کنن.!!!!!!
همه ی اچیومنت هارو؟؟؟؟؟ 😐
یا اگه منظورت متن خبرشه اصلا اون متن تکراریه و بار ها ترجمه کردم.اون متن رو خود گیم پور برای توضیحات بازی مینویسه. 😀
عمویی چند کلاس سواد داری نمی تونی خودت ترجمه کنی به دیگران می دی؟ 😛 😛 😛
ادب رو رعایت کنید. 🙂
عمویی حرف بدیه؟
خوب پس می گم دوست عزیز لطفا خودت ترجمه کن سواد که داری؟
ممنون :yes:
ای خداااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا … چرا یه خبر توپ که حالم رو بهتر :reallyangry: نمیاد !!!
باز خوبه یکم بیشتر ازCODه 😐
میلاد کوش؟ ?:-) ?:-)
من که jay tag کردم رفت دنبال کارش
دیگه اچیومنت به چه دردم میخوره
ولی در کل ممنون واسه خبر :yes: :yes: :yes:
:yes: :yes: :yes: